Changing Database Configuration for Insight & Luna

8/11/2010 6:06 PM
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Instructions for updating configuration files that contain database server and account information in the Insight server components.

Stop all Insight services before performing the following.

1.) Update your user manager, collection manager(s) and your personal Insight manager configuration files to the new datatbase address, database name or database port of the new database server. Here is the location of those configuration files.

user manager:

<Insight Installation Root>/user_manager/InsightUserServer.dat

collection manager:

<Insight Installation Root>/collection_manager/???/InsightServer.dat

personal Insight manager:

<Insight Installation Root>/personal_insight_manager/???/InsightServer.dat

*replace '/' with back slashes as necessary*

2.) In Admin Tools, update the settings for your registered user, collection and personal Insight mangers by right clicking on the entry and selecting 'Edit'. Update the 'Connect String' field. You might have to expand the tree to see the available managers.

3.) If you're still using the old BrowserInsight web interface, update the 'connectString' in the 'Actual Server Instance Settings' section in the following configuration file for Browser Insight. The 'Actual Server Instance Settings' section is the last section of the configuration file.

<Insight Installation Root>/browserInsight/BrowserInsight.conf

*replace '/' with back slashes as necessary*

After all files have been updated, restart all of the Insight services to load the changes.

The following are locations of the configuration files on the Luna server that contain database server and account information for the LUNA component.

Stop the Luna services before performing the following.

1.) <Luna Installation Root>/jboss/server/default/deploy/luna.war/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml
2.) <Luna Installation Root>/jboss/server/default/deploy/las.war/WEB-INF/classes/las-task.xml
3.) <Luna Installation Root>/jboss/server/default/deploy/las.war/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml
4.) <Luna Installation Root>/jboss/server/default/deploy/las.war/WEB-INF/classes/

5.) In Admin Tools, update the settings for the Luna manger by right clicking on the entry and selecting 'Edit'. Update the 'Connect String' field.

*replace '/' with back slashes as necessary*

After all files have been updated, restart the Luna service to load the changes.