Adding a new collection manager

12/17/2009 10:27 PM
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To do this, you will need to run the Insight installer once for each additional collection manager to install.
Prerequisites for running the installer:
1. a new database for each collection manager and have the username + password ready.
2. the server address of the Insight server.
3. a name for this collection manager (e.g. Department of Art Collection Manager)
4. a 3-letter short name for this collection manager (e.g. DAC)
5. the port # for the existing collection manager(s). You will use the next available port # for the new collection manager.
6. institution ID(s) for the existing collection manager(s). The simplest way to find out is by running this query against each of the existing collection manager database:
The instructions on running the installer starts from p26 of the "Installation & Configuration Guide"
It is mostly about installing the entire server suite, so I'll reference the page numbers where this would apply. 
-When you run the installer, be sure to choose "Custom" instead of "Typical" installation, and then select ONLY Collection Manager (p28).
-The location to where you'd like to install the collection manager should be the same as the existing Insight location (p29). (e.g /usr/local/insight/Lunaimaging/5.6/)
-User Manager Address should be the server address of the Insight server (p.30).
-Admin username and password: this should be handed to the department that will manage this collection manager (p.31).
-Choose an Institution ID, this should NOT be the same as the institution IDs for the existing collection manager(s) (p.31).
-Tomcat address should be the address of the Insight server, port # should be 8081 (unless a different port was chosen when Tomcat was installed)
-(p37) Collection Manager name, 3-letter short name and port. You will use the next available port # for this collection manager.
Once you've successfully installed the collection manager, you will need to make it available to the users. Please refer to P158-160 "Configuration your collections for access using Insight Studio".
Next, BrowserInsight needs to be aware of the new collection manager database. Locate BrowserInsight.conf in the 'browserinsight' directory on the server and then add a new "actual server instance" to the end of the file. Here's an example for a MSSQL database:
Be sure the increment the server number as you add any new server instance.

To finish up:
1. Restart Tomcat
2. Start the new collection manager in console mode or start it as a service (running in the background).